Thursday, July 28, 2016

Back at it again.

It has taken me a few years to get back to blogging. A lot has been going on. I started a part-time job at Minnesota Life College. I was taking care of my mom 20+ hours a week until she died in Oct 2014. I was not ready for how deeply and profoundly her death would effect me. We lost our dog Brittany a sweet little Cocker Spaniel in June 2015. She was 15 years old. It was too hard coming home without a dog to greet me so we got Jasper a lab mix in July 2015. I left MLC in Sept 2015 so now I'm really retired and very busy.

I want to take time to keep up my blog, which as you can tell I'm really bad at, but I want to keep my computer skills up so here I am.

Here is a picture of my year old puppy Jasper.
 He loves to give hugs and roll in smelly things. I will blog about our doggy training and stories of Jasper.
Here is part of my garden with the deck we added this spring.
I'm going to try to add a new post every week.

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