Happy New Year! I wish the best for everyone in 2010. I want to say thank you to the people who are following and reading my blog. It's good to know that it's not just sitting out there in cyber space alone.
New years Resolutions for 2010.
I'm going to try and post more often.
Work on writing better book reviews
Blog about things other than knitting
Find ways to make my blog interesting and worth reading.
Every year I do the diet and exercise. This year I'm going to try and be more realistic. I don't like vegetables so I'm going to work on ways to get more into my diet.
This year I'm going to try and get my stash down to a reasonable size. If I can do this, I'm going to get a spinning wheel for Christmas next year. How's that for a goal?
I'm going to try and spend more time with my mom. She will be 85 this year.
I'm also going to try and be more positive. It's such a hard time for friends and family out of work and I don't think that complaining about everything is going to help.
Read more and not just knitting books.
I almost forgot my garden. I love my garden and because of foot surgery I didn't get started with weed control as soon as I would have liked to last year. Beware weeds I coming for you this year.
That sound like enough to work on for one year.
We'll see how I do.